Tuesday, September 21, 2010

girls u shud noe!!

5 thgs bout guy...
1. guy yg ader rmbut lbat n tbal show yg diorg nh barni tapi keras hati..
tapi klo yg kning lbat tuh makna nya kuat jeles.. mcm org tersyg tuh la an.. but ok gak per.. at least die jeles tunjuk yg die nh care pasal kite.... koo die buat bodo jer ha.... sape susah... tul tak.. tapi yg pasal rmbut lbat nh... lpas nh kaya lah yun nam hair care.. suma org nk lbat kan rmbut.. konon nk tnjuk brani... bley ke kire cm tuh.. tapi yg pasti.. klo pkai wig tuh tak kire taw... ksian yg botak...

2. most of the guy nh tak fham body language partner die... agaknya gne bhasa isyarat kot bru fhm... tapi an guy.. kne fham gak.. yang perempuan nh malu! ahaks! so.. takkn nk ckap trang2 an...

3. laki yg sjati takkn nk kat gay... ekekeek... of cos la an.. cuz klo die tertarik... die pun gay la an...

4. laki nh klo ckap ska ltak tgn die dlm poket mknanya ego nyer sgt lah tggi..ek?? mgkin die cm nak bajet2 ker..tapi btul gak la... org yg smbong nh ska ltak tgn dlm poket sluar ble ckap... so ego= sombong

5. guy nh die pkir.. perempuan yg seksi is perempuan yg pndai+ bjak... bkan yg mggoda... tapi asal yg nerd tuh korang tak g kjar gle2 ek.. ??
today is all that u have
yesterday has passed with its good and evil
while tomorrow has not yet arrived
live for today:
during this day u shud pray with a wakeful heart
recite the quran with understanding and
remember allah with sincerity

in this day u should be balanced in your affairs, satisfied with your alloted portion, concerned with your appearance and health

organize the hours of this day so that you make years out of minutes, and month out of seconds.

seek forgiveness from your lord, remember Him.

Live today happily at peace
be content with your sustenance, your work, your family, your house, and your station in your life~

renung2... btul pe ap yg poem nh ckap...
ak cm bkan laorg yg gle poem.. but ths poem btul2 mnusuk.. chewah!!
org yg fham akn fham la...
sgala problem fr today... jz relax.. byakkn bberdoa...n chill!!