Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Awal + AirAsia X = superb moment!

salam..erhm...people will say i'm crazy tulis dz post.... .hahhah sape kesah...well..totlly i'm die hard fan of awal ashaari... well ...n biler ader one comp nh  when hadiah dier pergi ke korea with awal together naik AirAsia X suma mostly berlumba nak pergi...then awal umumkan sape dpt pergi... ahhh i'm so jealouss with u guys...sumpah!

lots of things act buat i was trying my besst to win this comp. one of it becuz awal lah of coz..hahahaha... beb, sape tak nk spent mase pergi ngn awal ..jln2...dlm mimpi jer buleyh dpt....tpi i dunt wnt to dream anymore... nk bnde tuh jdi nyta... basically becuz awal itself lahhh*wink*others cm korea tuh just kredit lah nk sdapkan lagi competition tuh....  i'm going to be the most happiest person in de world..*sumpah tak tipu* if dpt menang nih.... *god plis help me*

second.... naik AirAsia X ...ngeee..tak penah naik lagi :(
org kate besar.... best..nak gak try...nk tggu sndri lmbt sket kot.... so nk try...kredit lah gak...klo dpt naik nh...OMG! naik ngn awal ashaari lak tuh..phew! *booked duk sblah bleyh tak * hahahaha merepek +malu.. = tpi cm nak nak! hahaha klo mennag...

then pi korea...sna sini sibk dmm korea...based on movie2 korea leyh nmpak lahhh..korea nh like 2nd paris...ahhh..well its going to be a nice venue untuk jnjalan ngn my super hbat pelakon...Awal! setting die mmg best lahh...

siyes... ths is going my super duper moment in my life..spent tyme, jnjaln with him... ..really priceless.. hopefully akn dipilih... n frenz ! please pray n wait fr my greatest smile if ader nama tharayusra announce as the winner..perhps..amin!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

quran's gift~

salam~~ in mode of exm tpi takder mood nk study.... hahha aduyai,,,, mslah tuh mslah... 

tkpe2..tdi berhenti study mentar bersma2 kitkat..hahaha.idak lerrr...review2 page then 

terjumpa benefits of quran... kita nh dgalakkn mngethui makna bacaan... tpi mslah nyer 

skrg...msih ramai dri kita nh..mlas bebenor nk baca quran... apatah lagi nk ambik thu 

maknanya...tpi wut if kita thu gnjaran n hikamh if kita baca quran..mesti berebut mcm dpt 

mknn free ataw berebut mcm padini sale hari tuh...berpanas berhujan pun sanggggguuuupp..

jum kite review same2 klbhan n hikamh biler bce quran buat korg tak nk fikir..trus ambik 

quran n bece...subhanallah..masyukkkk...

Benefits of Quran 

1 It Cures heart diseases both physical and spiritual

2 It givesPeace of heart 

3 It Guides towards right path

4 10 rewards against recitation of each letter

5 It is source of Elevation in this world

6 It is Light from Allah

7 It is Companion in grave

8 It Helps before Allah on Day of doom

9 It takes its recitor to Jannah

p/s: selamat beribadah! wink